Affordable Housing Access
James "Drew" Mickle - Director
Drew Mickle's business management career has spanned in excess of thirty years and has included strategic positions with world class companies such as Sealand Services and Maersk, Inc. In each of these positions he always directly supervised in excess of twenty employees and sometimes up to thirty. Also, in these positions Mr. Mickle's annual budgets ranged from $50M - $110M.
Prior to joining the Board of Affordable Housing Access, Mr. Mickle volunteered his time in an advisory capacity. His expertise was extremely important in helping to flesh out the company's "Resident Resource Guide", a compendium of information assists low-and-moderate income families navigate the various recurring and emergency resources they may need. He was very personally involved regarding the "Personal Budget Worksheet" portion of the guide, as he had previously worked with Junior Achievement.
Mr. Mickle is a graduate of the University of Alabama.